As many of you know, I am huge fan of live streaming and spend most of my time away from editing cutting live shows and teaching live stream workshops. At NAB Post Production World this year I attended a great session on webcasting, hosted by Alex Lindsay of Pixel Corp. The coolest buzzword in streaming right now is GloCal….it is a mash-up of a type of event that is both global + local. Think of a small room with an intimate local crowd that has a stream that reaches tens of thousands of people worldwide. Product announcements are great GloCal events or press junkets where fans can use their webcams to ask questions. Some of the other cool things to look for in the live streaming sector:

  • The use of Google Glass/wearable cameras going live
  • Continued use of simple free ways to stream for the masses like Google YouTube Hangouts, Live.
  • Simplified software studios like Telestream’s WireCast

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